Your stay at Roma Deluxe Apartments may include, on advance request, the following services:

Station / Airport - Downtown 

A private transfer service with mercedes and driver is available. To and from any airport or main station, at the price of € 55, up to a maximum of 5 passengers including suitcases. For a number of more than 5 passengers, it is possible to organize a mini van with a small price supplement. Note: The fixed fare of the taxis present at the airport is € 48, for the same ride.

Private tour & visits

Guided tours can be organized. The tours we offer are all designed to make you fall in love with Rome, and range from great attractions, must-have of a stay in the capital, to unusual itineraries, in which to discover the most authentic face of the city. It will be possible to admire real art-jewels such as Piazza Navona and the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, the Pantheon, Piazza del Campidoglio, the Trevi fountain and the churches of San Luigi and S. Maria del Popolo with the famous paintings by Caravaggio.

If the archaeological wonders on the surface were not enough for you, then it is appropriate to go down into the subsoil of the Basilica of San Clemente and the SS. Giovanni e Paolo with tours dedicated to underground Rome. You can also enjoy tours of hidden and secret Rome with its medieval and popular atmospheres

Bike rent
A bike-sharing service is available in the property

Car rent
A rental car service is available on request

Laundry and ironing service
Daily service for your clothes

Baby sitting service
A baby sitting service is available on request

Private parking
With our special agreements, parking will no longer be a problem. Private parking is available about 50 meters from the property


Roma Deluxe Apartments
Borgo Pio 138 - Roma




Mobile: (+39) 338 2080496

© 2024 | Belvedere Investimenti - P.I. 15076891009 - Roma - Italia